
In just over a week my baby starts Kindergarten. I'm thrilled and excited for her, but that means she isn't my baby anymore. I know, I know, she'll always be my baby, but in her little mind, she's going off to school like a big girl and then, before you know it, she'll be a teenager, who hates her mom. Doesn't it always work that way? I know how I was as a teenager, and if she is anything close to what I was....Lord help me! She will be going to The Sunshine Kids Center instead of the "normal" Kindergarten. She is already going there for daycare, and already loves her teacher, so it won't be a big adjustment for her. The good news is that she is only one of maybe 10 kids. The last time I looked on the list there were only 5 kids signed up for Kindergarten. She will get lots of one on one time with the teacher which will be great and I don't have to worry about how she will get to and from school.

We went school shopping today. I have been looking forward to this day since before she was born! I know, that's probably a little weird, but hey, I'm weird. School shopping with my grandma every year was one of my favorite memories. Not because she spoiled me every year, but it was great quality time with her. And it was fun to see her reaction to the things that I wanted. Of course, the stuff that I wore then, isn't even close to the things kids are wearing these days. ( I hope the teenagers get a little more modest by the time mine gets there) Spending that time with my grandma made the start of the school year that much more special. I hope to be able to the same for my daughter each year. We made a great day out of it today. We went to Kohl's (awesome deals!!), ShopKo, Payless, and Wal-Mart. I had already been Target earlier in the week. Around lunch time, I treated her to her favorite place in the world to eat.... Donald's! That's McDonald's to the rest of us. Happy meal--Cheeseburger, no pickles and apples. She was a happy kid.

Here is some of her loot from the day.
She's a happy little girl that got really spoiled today. Now to decide on what to wear on that infamous first day!!!


Erika said...
August 31, 2009 at 8:11 PM

I want to go back to school!!! There's better, cooler clothes now than was when we were in school!!!!

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